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Tahoe Ability Program's One Year Anniversary!

In September 2020 several North Lake Tahoe and Truckee, California individuals lost their Day Program for adults with developmental disabilities. Seeing an immediate need within the community, Kimberly and Mariah got to work on building Tahoe Ability Program! Within weeks the program was vendored- and that is where our story began.

Creating a space for inclusion and learning

Due to the pandemic, all TAP classes remained on Zoom for several months after opening. Although no one was utilizing the office yet, we began working to create a whole new space that made our participants feel welcome and excited for a whole new program when they arrived. Ripping out carpeting, repainting and meticulously choosing new furniture pieces were just a few of the things Tahoe Ability Program staff did to fulfill this goal.

Where we are now

As of May 2021 TAP participants have been back in the office directly with staff once again. We have spent the summer in person getting back to what we love most- volunteering within our community, enjoying several beautiful days outside, focusing on goal development, and socializing with all of those that we were not able to see for so long. We feel extremely grateful to have such an amazing support system enveloping our program. We couldn't have made it to one year without all of you!

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